Interviews with Bobi: Negatives of Emotional Intelligence

How Should Someone Handle the inevitable “Bump in the Road” and triggers? Well, I think it starts with understanding yourself. So you've got to understand what causes you to trigger. And then once you understand what causes you to trigger,…

Interviews with Bobi: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

How Important is Emotional Intelligence To Your Career? This is in Dan Goleman research, which really Dan Goleman brought Emotional Intelligence onto the forefront in the 90s with he had-- His book Primal Leadership, and then he has another…

Interviews with Bobi: Emotional Intelligence Training

Interviews with Bobi Seredich: The Need for Emotional Intelligence Training How long have you been involved in emotional intelligence work?  I have been doing leadership training at some level for almost, probably 20 years. And I was certified…

Emotional Intelligence in Leaders

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions in a constructive way.  Leaders who operate with high emotional intelligence can be a tremendous asset as they possess the skills to foster emotionally healthy, happy,…

Holiday Tips: Practicing Gratitude and a Special Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays—a time for family to gather and a present-moment reminder to practice gratitude. You might be feeling stressed, sad, discouraged, anxious, fearful, or just angry at times. What can we do to manage…

5 Pivotal Techniques to Become a More Self-Aware Leader

As a coach, I am often asked what is the most challenging emotional intelligence (EI) core competency people struggle with? In short, it’s self-awareness.   I am a big fan of Ted Lasso, and he is a great example of a coach with…

How to Increase Engagement Through Trust and Vulnerability

Updated June, 2022 - How long does it take to build trust and vulnerability with your team? It doesn’t take long to build trust and vulnerability with your team if you make an effort, but the secret is continuing to work on it. When you know…

Managing Work Stress in a Changing World

These last few months have shown us how quickly our world can change. The ability to be adaptable and flexible has taken on a new perspective. Information, plans, teams, and customers have shifted at a dizzying pace, accompanied by a higher…

You Have Low Employee Engagement Scores – What Do You Do to Improve It?

If you suspect your employees are showing signs of disengagement, you should listen to your employees and take action quickly. Most executives already understand that low employee engagement scores can be a warning sign. Disengagement directly…